mänish bäWá

a crazy guy, he made all da gals mad and crazy on hi5-Orkut-facebook-gtalk-yahoo. now hez here. hez da spur of da moment, who helps u to get rid of all da negative feelings. gals said hez a sexy, handsome, a hot hunk. AGGRESIVELY ASCULINE, fultoo flirtoo but never hurt anyone. hez mehnati ladka olwaz in office but orkut is on 1st priority in his desk work. have lill time for guyz maximum time for gals. i met him with magic. olwaz busy to changes his pic every week. cant drive without music.


Manish said...

Sexy Bro. Thanx for Remembring me... ;o)
Thanks Buddy for giving me this HONOUR.... :)
Andy ROXxxxxxxx

-- Manish Bawa

anDy photography said...

buddy U R dA luxurious part in my blog.
so have to remind U... :)

Kapil said...

Veru true:)

-- Kapil Khattar

anDy photography said...

khiladi khiladi hota hai... rama honey k der hai... waisey bhi tu kamina toh hai hi.. hehehehe

-- andy

kapil said...


-- Kapil Khattar